Thursday, August 16, 2007

Playstation 3

The current controversy about Madden 08 having 60fps on xbox 360 vs 30fps on PS3 seems to me like the final nail in the coffin for PS3. Even though PS3 was the first new generation gaming console that I bought next the wii and now finally the xbox 360 after the 50$ price cut and addition of the HDMI port to the premium console.
  • first it was the delay by 1 year to release the ps3 after xbox 360 was released
  • next it was the price that was keeping PS3 from catching up with the xbox 360
  • then it was the lack of games for it
  • now it seems to be the inferior programming of the games for the ps3 vs the xbox 360 ( lot of users seem to be complaining about slower screen and control response in Madden 08 on PS3 vs the game played on xbox 360)
Personally I like Sony products very much even though they are usually more expensive than the competition, but what sells Sony to me is the good looks and excellent quality of their products.

I have never bought first generation products for any non-japanese company, because I know that there will be a lot of problems with the product till the 2nd or sometimes 3rd generation avator is released. For the xbox 360 it seems to be the new premium console with HDMI that hits the sweet spot because of the quieter DVD drive, extra heatsinks and the HDMI port.