Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sony PSP - PSP1001

Read an article today about the new slimmer and lighter PSP to be released by Sony in September 2007. Though these 2 changes are definitely welcome, I wish Sony would also implement a few other changes that would make the PSP a more welcome media player to carry around.

  • A brighter screen (similar or better than the 5th generation iPod).
  • An improved game load time (some games seem to take forever to load, not sure if this is a hardware or software problem)
  • Available in different brighter colors. (that seems to be the prevalent theme these days, even dell seems to have got into the act with 8 new colors for their laptops - my favourite color is green, hint, hint.)
  • A built-in microphone for voice chat during network games.
  • An internal hard disk or at least a small amount of flash memory to store bookmarks related to position of movie being watched, music last listened to, etc.
  • An improved battery life.
  • A faster battery charger. (The current battery charger seems to take forever to finish charging the unit)
  • or a USB charger that can be connected to a computer or the PS3 would be a much better option.
  • A better analog controller for moving around in games.

Other things Sony could do to popularize the PSP would be to

  • Offer the PSP Media Manager software for free (they probably need to get rid of SonicStage and use the Media Manager for all their media players)
  • Introduce UMD recorders similar to the Mini-Disc which never took off but I do love the 3 that I own.
  • Reduce the prices of UMD movies to under $10
  • Reduce the prices of their memory stick products (if Sandisk and other companies can afford to sell them cheaper, I am sure Sony can too)

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